dreamt i was on a beach with a steep but short sandy cliff with some others. we were deciding whether or not to run off the cliff when me and another guy just went for it & sprinted down to the water. as soon as i hit it, i felt a sharp pain on my foot & there was a skinny silvery fish stuck to the top, biting down. i yelled for someone to come help me pull it off and was asking if anyone knew what it was. someone told me it was a "boney fish," and when they pulled it off, it took a chunk of my skin with it, but it didn't hurt too bad & didn't bleed much.

later i was in an auditorium for some kind of choir performance. everyone from my high school class was there and i got excited thinking about catching up with some people i haven't heard from in years, & thought it was weird most of them hadn't aged & looked how they did in high school. the people in charge with seating/coordinating were strict & i was sitting with my friend Cassie, reading a book. i thought they would take it from us, but they ignored us. i could tell they were tense because we were underprepared for the concert.

dreamt we had just moved into a house with 2 other families living there. it was crowded but comfortable. our neighbors houses were really close too. it was night so we were all going to bed. I heard a knocking so I went to the front door & 3 of my neighbors were walking out with some kitchen supplies. I asked them to not steal from us & they said okay & looked sorry about it. I went back to bed & wondered if we could all make it work.

got up the next day & there were streams leading down a sandy scape to a shore. tons of people & kids were playing in the water, getting swept around. I drove a 4 wheeler type thing around, trying to get around people to pick someone up but I don't remember who. I think it kept getting stuck.

dreamt i was playing music with someone i didn't really trust. we were in the 2nd half of this convenience store that was just a small empty room. a tornado came through & everyone was safe, but the building was destroyed & some houses too. i was unsure if we should keep rehearsing, but we decided to keep playing. then i got up and left after it was too uncomfortable & found z. we found a small apartment to live in, 2nd story. it was short, you had to duck to walk around, but it was warm with tapestries hanging & blankets all over the floor.

dreamt I had just been shot in the stomach through the window of the house I was living in. a man who was my uncle & my grandmother took me to the basement to keep me safe. there wasn't blood, just a bullet hole. I saw my friend N moving into the basement. I was worried they'd get cold, but they had a plan to put up curtains & had a carpet & mattress to section off their area. right next to that was a deep clay pit with 2 faces I had been sculpting

I went into the pit and smoothed the faces out some more & then we all headed upstairs to the bathroom. I noticed grandma had cut a hole in the floor & hidden it with a rug. she was trying to kill us and make us fall through to the clay pit below. I discreetly pointed it out to uncle & we decided to just ignore it but keep an eye on her. I went into another room & saw that the windows were open. I had nowhere to hide & saw the snipers on the roof across the street. I was yelling for someone to open the door so I could run out, I got on the floor & hid but knew they would get me. I woke up.

had a dream there was a house party going on while I was trying to sleep & everyone kept walking into my room and breaking things & moving things around. I got really mad and yelled at everyone but nobody heard.

I was working at this company that had strict timers for when you had to do certain things on this computer to stop something bad from happening. it was dark & metal all around with purple lights. everyone there looked either very focused or stressed. I took my 30min break but realized I forgot to clock something in before I left & I came back & panicked & couldn't figure out how to do it. I knew the men in suits were coming to shoot anyone who was sharing the secrets of the company. I kept running and looking around trying to figure out where people were going. no one would look at me. the men in suits finally showed up & killed 2 other people but not me and I felt terror and relief.

pretty pleasant dream. something to do with figuring out how to shoot webs & swing around spider man style. there was more I don't remember, wish I had written it down when I woke up. just felt really good this morning
