November dreaming

I got a hotel room in order to work on a commercial they (?) were filming there about a movie about a boy who was part bull. i think he had super powers, it was like an origin story thing. he had horns & looked really cool. but a bunch of men were working on the commercial & I was getting boxed out of contributing so I ended up not getting paid & even had to pay for the hotel room for 2 nights. my friend j consoled me by saying the exact same thing happened to them before. I think then we went on a walk through a field full of dead prairie grass (winter) & talked about other projects/jobs to work on.

dreamt i was with x & x & x in a gem shop, but it was in kirksville. i was feeling anxious about the shop owner, she was kind of staring me down, & x & x were being pretty dismissive while x was just shopping around & not noticing. someone handed me a balalaika (russian guitar instrument) and i went to another corner of the store to start playing it. someone i look up to as a musician but was never close with in des moines was there, & we jammed a little & i felt like we had good musical chemistry. i went to put the instrument back & finally everyone was ready to leave. i accidentally took a guitar with me, it was unusual with no body really, mostly just a neck & it had 8 strings, doubled at octaves. i had big moral quandary with this because i got really bad vibes from the gem store, but didn't want to steal the guitar bc i knew they'd come after me. i don't think i ended up bringing it back, and i walked around the square until i got to the alley behind the aquadome instead.

dreamt I was playing dvorak cello concerto with a full symphony, but i hadn't practiced in 2 years and the conductor was a really mean man. i was so nervous, i had already fumbled the first rehearsal and barely made it through the 2nd. he didn't say anything, but i could feel the disappointment. the orchestra was also a swim team but i had my wisdom teeth check up and couldn't make the practice so that was one more part where i felt like i was letting him down. instead of going to the appointment, i walked outside and it was dark. i howled out to nanoo the wolf (???) but some geese showed up at the edge of the woods instead and told me she wasn't around. i kept howling.

r woke me up and asked if i was vibrating. I said no, but then felt like maybe I was.

dreamt I was looking after an 8 yr old kid. I lived in a weird different apartment that was pretty plain. I saw that my downstairs neighbor *** had just gotten back from a run because we both used the same running tracking app. i really wanted to be better friends with him & the child was getting pretty fidget-y so we went downstairs to also go on a run. we saw him in his doorway on the way out & he asked if I'd bought his new zine yet & I said no so I bought one then. then we went out for our run & it was very hot & muggy so the kid went back to the apartment & I kept running around. it looked like kirksville over in the area by at. still where I used to run pretty frequently, down on osteopathy.

dreamt I was in 5th grade but still had my job as an elementary para. helped one of my students walk to the office for early dismissal but she had a tantrum and wouldn't walk with me most of the way and kept running away. I tried to reason with her but nothing was working. finally she was calm enough to walk with me and then afterwards it was time for me to go to lunch. it was in this dimly lit auditorium. I started to eat and then a teacher came & told me to go back to class and I was upset because I didn't have enough time & it wasn't fair.

dreamt I moved into a new place, a small attic room in a large house with a lot of people. it was a little gross, but I was excited to have roommates again. I went on flounder & it had been hacked. someone was posting a lot of weird pictures and some of them were nudes. I tried to log in to change my password, but they kept changing the username. I asked A for help, but we couldn't stop them because they changed the user name every 15 minutes (tricky)

dreamt I was being held by a friend

r & I tried to find a place to sleep. tried to break into my parents house but someone was there with a gun and we left. we got to a warehouse where people were doing karaoke.

C came up & hugged me from behind. I turned around and they looked stunning and feminine.

B was hosting the karaoke. r & I decided to stay. J was there dressed as a vampire. B was dressed as stitch with a orange jumpsuit on

there was a shooting at my school, I think a lot of people died. I left & saw a big Street fair, outside on 2 banks of a river. I went & walked around a little & got angry at everyone acting like it was all fine. my coworker told me they had been neglecting their bearded dragon. somebody buried a chicken live after they had sent it down in a digging machine to get a message in a bottle. I had a gig I was supposed to get to. I was really angry & unfollowed everyone on Instagram

I was roller skating about. I saw two students out of class but I let them cool off because it seemed like they needed. I got caught skating in an old abandoned school gym. I went to an old fashioned train station & was upset by how fancy they were marketing the travel (private silver line train cars)

dreamt i was video-chatting with a beautiful blond woman. she was playing bass for me & smiling and it was sunny in her room. she was so good at bass & she made it look easy

dreamt I was in an antique store and got invited to play baseball outside. I didn't really want to, but I went anyway & some of my students were playing & I had fun, but when I was in the outfield I wandered off & found this little cave with a pendulum and metal objects and you swing the pendulum around & it hits different things & echoes & it sounded really beautiful. everything around me was grey and mossy. when I came out of the cave, I was on a long hike in the middle of nowhere, but the landscape was very hilly & grey & mossy too with a big wide grey sky. I was with 3 others who were tattoo artists. one was very experienced at hiking and very serious, another was friendly & a fair hiker, and the third was very nervous but happy to be coming along. I felt confident until we came upon a cliff we had to climb. it was maybe 12ft tall and the first person scaled it quite quickly & put up a platform for us all to stand on. the 2nd person went up and then the third, but she froze and knocked down a bunch of the little rocky ledges to climb up. I was a little annoyed but still made my way up and was finally pulled up by the first 2. we called for help and a dinosaur, a brachiosaurus with yellow eyes and all covered in moss came and raised her up. we felt overjoyed to meet one of the last of the dinosaurs and a little melancholic. we designed flash sheets of the tattoos that we would give people when we returned