
I was trying to work at this conservation dept building. I told them I was an expert on crawdads and had all these pictures and videos from a day I spent following one around. very cute stuff, he crawled around through puddles & grass. this older guy working there made it seem like I would get the job and get to move into the conservation building (really beautiful tall brick building) but I realized he was leading me on and they weren't even hiring. I felt devastated and the person I was with for moral support implied I hadn't been trying hard enough.

dreamt my friend woke me up to read me their poetry.

i was working in the elementary school again and the kids were asking for a snack so i left to go get one from another room. this super enthusiastic doctor told me to check out this spot out by a waterfall where one huge river lead into another massive one. it had just flooded so a bunch of new salt water had mixed in and I was on a bridge or a dock. the water was wide and deep dark blue or black. it was sunset, but not super vibrant as the lower river was in a valley so you could just kind of tell it was the end of the day. I watched a whale breach and sing and it was so beautiful. I wished my friend was with me.

I was in France. I watched umbrellas of cherbourg (60's French musical) so this dream just felt like that movie. vibrant colors. I realized I had a child and my heart sank and I felt so stuck.

ok getting back into writing these down bc my friend D is starting a monthly dream meet up & I keep not remembering/ trying

dreamt I was running sound for some fucked up experiment that involved a room of children. idr what was weird about it, but it felt bad that the kids were trapped in whatever it was. the sound control panel was wild/ touch sensitive & had many tiers like an organ. then later I was in this cave compound & we all had on matching grey rompers. sitting in a mess hall, many people looked fatigued & disgruntled.
