
had a dream there were no more winters, only summer :( all the plants were miserable

dreamt I had a long convo w/ someone about painting.

nap dream: was working at a different kitchen. had fun meeting new co workers but realized I also worked my other real awake job and decided to quit the new dream-kitchen job.

was wearing a trench coat/ dressed as a 60s detective and had a partner dressed the same. we went around to different rooms reading/ analyzing different evidence of times companies/ the us had done ecological crimes. :(

dreamt this woman drove me around to different errands with her even though I had a lot of things I needed to get done myself. she wouldn't listen and take me home. I kept seeing z & m walking around outside on the sidewalk but couldn't shout out to them. finally the lady left the car stalled in the road and went inside to grocery shopping. I left her car there in the middle of the street with the door open and went home to change and then go see if I could find z & m. her car got towed and she was upset. her husband was an aloof art guy and he didn't hear me or seem to give a shit when I told him the car was being towed so i didn't feel bad because she had trapped me anyway. I ran down and outside to the street to find z & m but only could find m walking out of a noodle restaurant. frustrated because I had something I wanted to ask z

everyone was speaking in limerick to each other & I felt impressed but out of place. I could not find the rhymes myself but they were all conversing so fluently.

dreamt society had collapsed and a lot of friends I knew were living in big empty houses on the beach. I lived near h & g & some of my extended family & CL. I heard my mom was living with my aunt & looking for me but I was having a hard time going to find her

my friend birdie made me tea with chopped garlic stem in it and I didn't believe it would be good but then it surprised me it was warm & nice to drink.

something to do with this intense couple I knew back in high school, sitting across from me at a table, being super uncharacteristically silly with one another.

bunches of recycling,I had to move it all.

someone told me an early Legend abt 7 parts of the day, dawn, morning, greater day, midday, evening, dusk, night. sharing and fighting. volcano turned night dark. car almost hit me and people at gas station sitting on ground talking. didn't care
