December Dreams

I don't know when these dreams happened, i didn't record dates


dreamt was parking big rig outside weird house on hwy to join distro w/ old friends A & M. walk back, have to go back & re-park rig. walked back behind house & i'm shown something m's put together to make distro easier. not sure what it was now. then, A shows me art she's been "touched by since the beginning" It's a soft blue painting with two blue morphed figures in the middle holding on to one another and ascending. beneath them are creamy yellow clouds & above are gold rings of stars swirling. A explained, "one had to leave and returned, realizing he could not leave without his other. so they make the journey together."


i was working at a water park fast food stand. really busy but I got to leave early. told my co worker that I'd take him to the Corduroy store after work. I left & it was dark & I got kind of confused. i found my friend g walking around too and she helped me find my way to my car. we walked through alleys where lillies were blooming, tomatoes, cucumbers, and many other veggies were ripe. it was winter though and it made me nervous for what the plants would do in summer. my friend texted that he already made it to the Corduroy store before I got back to my car so I didn't have to go, and i went home


dreamt moved into a house with people I didn't know. went to the next room over & everyone was hangin out & drawing. k showed up & made things really uncomfortable so I left. I went for a walk outside & it was night & there was a tub of matcha & a weird espresso machine filled with grains on the ground. I assumed some workers had thrown out all of the supplies from their coffee shop after group-qyitting. I took a handful of weird grain (oblong pellets with green specks) and the tub of matcha & went back home. another roommate asked me if I hated the 1st roommate because I left earlier & I said no.

then I went to this giant nighttime Renaissance fair that was packed. I felt guilty for being there but for some reason I stayed. they had ring dancing and I participated & ended up going home with someone because my other roommate was going to also. as we were getting ready for bed, I knew I wasn't really attracted to him physically or emotionally. at this point I realized I was dreaming & got out of his room and just left.


dreamt I moved in next to a guy who seemed friendly&I spent the day with him but he stayed taking about killing people and then he went off and was going to do a mass shooting so I was trying to warn people nearby in the community. lots of pine trees. restaurant with people eating outside. I thought to myself, who wants to go out to eat at a restaurant



they've been bad dreams! I don't write em down much!


dreamt I slept in a bunk bed and the top was filled with overripe persimmons.


dreamt I was in this game where you were paired in twos in this little foam building that was in a loop and you had to kill each other. your partner would help you to the end until you both had to turn on another. it was violent but for some reason after my partner was killed, the game ended. something went wrong.  then I went through a door & it was this little market with tables everywhere and I was with s & l. we walked around and all got matching plastic rings with hearts on them.

then I was in high school and I knew I was too old but they needed a sub cellist in orchestra class so I went in to play but it was in a long narrow room and I had to sit way far back & it hurt my ego a bit.


my dreams have mostly been bad so when I wake up I don't write them down to try to forget. last night though was just kind of weird. lived on a train. r's brother who was my age (fictional) & tried to kiss me & gave me chewing gum. I went to walk along the tracks & talked to this older woman about how I would have to let him down easy since he was r's brother.


had a nightmare that felt very real bc it took place in my bedroom. woke up crying. 2nd dream was a dream where I went upstairs at a band concert to pee and you had to go in with a buddy so I wasn't going to go& got stopped by a group of 4 guys who were in a comedy group and they invited me to come shoot a video with them and they had a bunch of weird props in a closet in their house. one of the comedy things they filmed was a fake car crash & they didn't tell me about it before we did it. it felt bad. they were all ripped & not wearing shirts.


I remember seeing my dsm friend M in the dream. She was strong & was wearing red lipstick & had a buzzed head. I think other people were after me or upset with me, but she helped me know it would be okay.

Before the 7th I wasn't as good at writing down my dreams or the dates:

I was a young adult with a younger brother & took a train to go live with 2 people who were not good at taking care of kids. one was a man who was an artist, the other a woman who was cold & practical. He had many flavors of toothpaste. used up green apple first. she couldn't find any place for me and my brother to sleep because the house was so cluttered. i went swimming down in a dirty river with a friend. found a small mint tin of rings that looked valuable and a knife in the water. we went back to the house but i think someone followed us. the dream divulged there

"trying to spell toxicity in scrabble, tried to get into elevator in sky scraper. make it up- huge lightning. button down, h put paper up all over, lightning strikes all around strong. was trying to get back to amish path down below"