dreams again

I was in a bar & someone had bled out 2 cups & I was worried but they said it's fine, it happens sometimes but they had blood pouring out of their ear, I think there was some sort of street festival happening outside too.

remember something about pirates

dreamt lost noomi, crowded party, people brought 3 other tortoiseshell cats to me but they were not her. was very sad/worried.

dreamt I was stowing away on a train with 3 friends. it worked for several stops. we were in the missouri countryside in early summer and everything was greener and brighter than it is in real life, and we were headed to st louis. we started going up this incredibly steep hill with a river flowing down around us, and the water was so blue and teal with flecks of magenta from how the sun was hitting it. we ascend and get to a flatter forested area and they start asking for tickets. my friends hide well, but the ticketer finds me hidden in the bathroom & they stop the train and kick me off. I wait in the woods until another train comes by and I climb on. this train has a giant church chapel inside and it's beautiful and brightly lit. I sit next to someone wearing a hijab and we listen to the sermon & both agree it's not really for us but we like the chapel/ vibes anyway. the train conductor comes up after the service and I quickly buy a train ticket for $19 on my phone so I don't get kicked off. he's nice and thanks me for buying the ticket so he doesn't have to kick me off because he hates doing that.

i was in a water park but it was concrete & dark & indoors. kids were running around everywhere. i lost a lot of details of this dream, but i remember going down a chute running with water & ending up at this zone where a cop was stuck on this very thin ledge right over a big drop, so deep & dark you couldn't see the bottom. kids were throwing things at him to try to make him fall & he was crying & looking away. I think they did make him fall & we never heard him touch the bottom.

dreamt there was a diy space/punk warehouse that was physically hard to get into. i was with a group of friends trying to get in. they discovered you had to climb a nearby building 2 stories & jump across through a window to get in. I climbed the building & saw that the jump was 20ft or so across. I chickened & couldn't make myself jump but my friends did & made it in. N was kind & opened a lower window on the punk warehouse to let me in. I remember it being several stories & feeling narrow & winding, kind of like the city museum. I think we were going to live there.

Context for dream: fell asleep watching the 1989 batman...

i was fighting the joker. she's on this tall metal balcony above and there are flames all around & she turns around & it's queen latifah. i ran off with friends. we get to a frozen yogurt shop. i'm not excited (vegan) & still a little bit anxious about the joker coming to get us. my friends tell me there's a non-dairy option so i stand in line with them. we wait in line for an hour or a really really long time. finally we get to the front & there's no non-dairy option & the person working the counter tries to get me to order something & i keep insisting "i'm okay, i can't get anything here" & she keeps insisting until I walk away to find a table. it's a huge room with tall glass windows & i keep imagining the joker crashing through while also lamenting time lost waiting in line.

dreamt my band was all trying to decide whether or not to rent out this 2 story, 4 bdrm house for practice. it would be $900 a month. some were against it, but i didn't think we would find anywhere cheaper & was excited to think about a bunch of us living there together too.

dreamnt i was in a car with 3 friends. we were in the desert & saw two cougars playing at the edge of a cliff. i was in the back seat and the friend who was driving moved us closer to watch the cats but then we realized the car was about to fall off the cliff and we panicked. driver friend was apologizing a bunch, and my other two friends were upset. we fell for a long time. i was feeling sad that i didn't get to say goodbye to z but also trying to tell the driver friend it was okay that they had killed us all.

dreamt about "evil neal"

I was living in this big hostel with 12 or more rooms. it was winding & 3 stories & mostly people i know from the baseball group I play with. someone stole my glasses & it made me late for this class I was going to and I got really mad and yelled at her because she thought it was funny. I immediately felt embarrassed for yelling but I didn't apologize, I ran away. I ran outside, night time on a playground, & talked to an old aquaintence with teal hair. we were sitting at a bench and having a nice conversation when a passenger plane did a nosedive and recovered. it came so close to landing right on us. then it wobbled again & crashed into a tree & car a little bit away. I started to cry, realizing how close it came & it wasn't a trick, it had been really out of control. I went back inside to see if anyone else had noticed & they told me the pilot was just practicing crashing.

I was in another airport. it was in nyc and it was run by rock gnomes who were lead by a great tree mother. the shuttles were roller coasters. I noticed a boy who was too small slipping from his coaster seat and yelled out for help & Z ran over and caught him. finally we found the terminal we were supposed to be at & sat and waited for a long time. the tree mother fell over & we all lamented how that meant the earth would die too. she wasn't dead, but she knew she would be soon. she was huge, glowy orange & yellow, & kind of looked like a puppet. I sat with an elder rock gnome who looked pretty checked out. waited for the plane.

something to do with getting someone's pet rabbit back to them in an airport? need to start writing them down as soon as I wake up

2 dreams. I was leading kids around this large dark building & some of them needed to stop at the bathroom but then a few minutes later I realized I'd lost a few of them

later dream, I was watching two people poison themselves. I couldn't tell them anything to convince them not to and they were smiling while they did it. I was asking someone with me what we should do and they didn't have any advice. one of them fell out the window several stories.

dreamt i was arguing with someone about whether or not beck had a project before beck and what it was called. I think they were claiming his first project was called "tugboat machine" or something like that, i forgot to write it down when i woke up. i said there was a different name i couldn't remember, but it wasn't that. felt so frustrated.
