
1st dream I was following a motorcyclist (on a bicycle myself)  down a long narrow bridge over a great gorge. it swayed side to side and I felt fearful but had to keep pursuing the person ahead. on the other end of the bridge was a giant mountain range I knew we were going to ride up. it was so beautiful and snowy with a brilliant blue sky. in my mind i knew this was the largest mountain in the world.

2nd dream I was in an old professor's class & he was making us play a mix of hopscotch/ddr where we had to recite poetry in time (by syllables) with the lights on the floor as we danced along a hallway. the more we messed up, the more severe our punishment was until some students were locked in small cages. then when the class was over we all ran to get on an open-roofed train with him and I was towards the back. the people in the front smashed into a great blue long noodley dragon and exploded into pink and blue gooey chunks that landed on some of us in the back and made our skin strobe in pink and blue and purple flashes. I woke up after this.


dreamt I was stuck in a town with a group of homeschooled kids in a large victorian with a woman I thought was my friend. I was in love with her, though she was much older. we didn't have a sexual relationship, but she was very warm and we held each other close.

later as I was walking through the large wooden house, a young man walked in the room I was in, nervously not looking at me, humming four notes over and over. I began to harmonize different pitches back to him and he smiled and warmed to me. he nonverbally showed me around the back yard, showed me four different small mausoleums that held former families of the old house. he pointed out some of his favorite flowers in the yard. we went back up front and i saw my manager M from real life. He said the woman was bad and wanted vengeance on him for something. I realized she had trapped me in doing tasks earlier and I was free to leave. driving out of town we saw a dummy hanging from a wire, dressed as a mail carrier. I was late getting home because of sand buildup in the roads.
